Monday, 11 March 2013


The Sibling

This one will probably a much more personal post and I'm not exactly sure how to 'word it' so bare with me on this one. I guess part of this blog was to help express what I was feeling when things happen around Dong and I think this post my be a little similar to that.

Siblings with autism often feel lonely with the amount of attention that is shown towards the autistic sibling. For me, I try really hard not to feel that way because I'm old enough to know that he needs the attention and I'm capable to look after myself. But sometimes I wish that maybe there was someone my age with whom I could talk to and knows what I'm going through. I don't often like to let myself think about it too much because I feel extremely guilty because I know there are families and people going through much worse situations than I am.

I also often stress about my brother's future, things like school, friends, love relationships, careers and if he'll manage to live by himself when he's older. I even stress about my parents stress levels and how they're coping with it.

Nothing really prepares you on how to be a great sibling to an autistic brother/sister. In fact, you were never taught how to be a brother or sister at all. There are no classes you can take that tell you what to do and how to react, There is none of that and sometimes I really wished there were! I wish there was a book that I could read that has all the situations I could face with an autistic sibling and how I could react to them because sometimes I really don't know what to do.

Anyway, that was a bit of a negative post but thanks for sticking with it.

Thanks for reading.